Presenting....The Little Princess

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Good Skills Displayed!

Brought Little Arielle for her 3rd lesson today and I was quite scared that she would start crying again. Tried to give in to her requests i.e. follow her into the class and stay with her for a while. Shortly, her teacher came in.

She called Little Arielle Bao Bei and really knows how to make little kids important :) She showed Little Arielle 2 books and told her that one of the books would be read out later. She passed the 2 books to Little Arielle only and wanted her to have the priviledge to choose the book for the teacher to read to the class.

Well....well....Little Arielle was very excited. She took both books, quickly sat down and started flipping through. I was like....Wow....something so simple and yet it worked perfectly. Must really pick up some tips from this teacher! I then told Little Arielle that I would be going off and was 'warned' by the teacher to be the first one to pick her after class. Actually, it's more of 'suan' cos I was super late last week :p

1.5hours passed by fast and I really made it a point to be early this round. I was happy when I saw my smiley princess coming out of the class. Hmm....seems like she is starting to enjoy it. That's great! Cos I won't feel guilty for signing her up for the class!

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