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Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

It's always nothing good when I saw Little Arielle's school number flashing on my hp early in the morning. It was her form teacher, Ms Tan who called and asked if I know that Little Arielle had a spot on her nose.

Frankly speaking, I did not see any spot on her face at all last night and told her accordingly. Next, she suggested bringing Little Arielle to the doctor to get a confirmation that she's okie because recently, there was a spread of chickenpox in school.

Wahhh....I sweat man! Quickly called mama and she just brushed me off by asking me to tell Ms Tan that it was probably just a mozzie bite. Apparently, telling her that did not help lor. Ms Tan asked mama to either bring her home and if she's okie over the weekend, she can attend school on Mon. Otherwise, we gotta bring her to the doc.

Told XP and he said that to be sure, better to bring her to the doc. At the same time, I asked mama to get Little Arielle's medication for the upcoming China trip.

I anxiously waited for the diagnosis and was disappointed to know that the doc could not confirm if it was chickenpox! Wat biangz! Call yourself a doc and yet you can't tell. She only told mama to bring Little Arielle back tomorrow to check if things got worst overnight! This made me more xianz....

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