Friday, December 31, 2010
All Plans Failed!
Wanted to let her have her dinner i.e. porridge before going for class and thereafter to watch fireworks. Just when she was about to finish her porridge, she detected signs of puke and I asked her to quickly go to the toilet.
She was just 3 steps away from the toilet bowl, couldn't hold it and puked like a merlion all over the floor and on herself.
I was totally xianz when I saw this! But still, gotta clean up! Spent about 1 hour+ on this meaningless task and became moodless after I have done it....
I hope that there would be the mood to watch fireworks later. Else, it's really a xianz New Year Eve!
What's the point of planning?
As Expected!
But after mid day approaches, the sky darken and I quickly told the photographer to change it to indoor shoot instead. The husband called and did not agree to the change cos he said that it hasn't even rain and who knows, it won't rain at 4pm. In any case, the main reason that he din want to change is also because someone has already booked the studio for photoshoot at the same time. Hence, there is no way that he can accomodate another family in.
Okie lor....since he is being fair, then I asked him what would be the situation if it is going to rain at 4pm? He told me that he would have to change to another date. Fine with me as long as they can allow me to bring forward the shoot to 2011.
Everything was okie until 3.30pm when I heard raindrops. It became heavier and he called to say that we would have to postpone the shoot.
Just as would be changed to this Sunday and it would be at their studio. Yeah! Little Arielle can have her Princess collection pic :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Good Weather Tomorrow??
And I'm very surprised by XP's suggestion! He actually suggested to take the pic in Phuket! I was shocked cos that means we gotta pay for photographer's accomodation + airfare and to think that he is okie with that!
Anyway, I have checked with the photographer and she has yet to reply. I think most likely, it's a no lor! So, I'm not banging hard on it!
Have also told the photographer that if it really rains, I will change it to indoor shoot instead. Shall leave it to God to decide the weather! Actually I am quite xianz to pack the items for outdoor shoot! Seems like need to bring a lot of things. So afterall, the rain is not a bad idea too!
Prompt Action!
XP really went to ask around and his colleagues are interested! Happened to tell Daddy this evening and they wanted to go too!
Hmm....should we spilt into 2 trips and go twice or have everyone to go together??
Busy New Year's Eve
4pm - Outdoor photoshoot @ East Coast Park
6.30pm - Art Class @ Joo Chiat CC
11.30pm - Fireworks @ Marina Bay's gonna be a tiring day but I guessed, it should be fun for Little Arielle!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Batam - Day 2
After breakfast, we took the shuttle bus where they drove us to the Nagoya shopping mall. Sigh....the malls are not comparable to those in Msia. Got just a few items, had lunch at A&W and it's time to get back to the hotel.
Brought Little Arielle to the pool and she had a great time there. I was happy too cos they have a pool with shelter. And you would know where I am hiding hee....
After the swim, we rested for a while and it was time for our romantic candlelight dinner with a big lightbulb at H Grill. The ambience was great but it rained and we had to shift to the indoor area. Arrghhh what a disappointment but nevermind, can still admire the scenery around....Food was not too bad though and it was the companionship that was great!
After dinner, when we were in the room, there came a group of staff who delivered my bday cake and sang bday song. Was meant to be a surprise but they did it to 2 other bday persons at the restaurant. Hee so I know what they are up to! But it was still sweet of XP to plan for it.
Thanks dearie....
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Batam 2010 - Day 1
Finally, she came to terms with it and we managed to get out of the house. Throughout the journey, she just liked to have some small irritating actions which really made you frustrated. That made me wonder if she is a girl cos her behaviour is really like a BOY!
After arriving at Batam via ferry, we were greeted by the friendly guide and was in the coach waiting for the rest to arrive.
Managed to visit a few interesting destinations but that did not make my mood better. In fact, it got worst along the way!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day....
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
It's Quite Fun & Interesting
So I will vote for that person's kid and in return, the person will do so for me. Arrgghh this is so fun...At least can get to know more friends and this made the contest interesting in some ways :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Mini Reno - Blind is Done
Mama Rocks!!
When Little Arielle came home this evening, I was so surprised to see that the guage is gone! Upon checking with her, she told me that 婆婆 was the one who removed for her. Arrgghhh I was so amazed! It seemed to be a very neat job!

What can I say....How can I do without my mama! 3 cheers to mama!! Yippee hurray! Yippee hurray!! Yippee hurray!!
Monday, December 13, 2010

Missed It :(
Finally, decided to go for it and called the agency to book an appointment. To my horror, all the dates are taken and there is none left :(
Arrgghhh I am so disappointed!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Another Photo Contest Submission
Since the theme was similar to the one that I have submitted for eXplorerKids, I decided to use back the same pic. Just changed the caption to Squeezed with Love & Happiness! Please vote for us -
We are Image ID - 120!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Gap Casting @ Vivo City
We went straight to the store and there was already a queue forming outside the store. Checked with the staff and he mentioned that I must obtain the receipt which showed proof of purchase of at least $80 worth of Gap products before joining in the queue. It took me quite a while to choose an ideal item because whatever I want is not available :( Finally, managed to choose a nice red dress (hee which she can wear during CNY) and a pair of nice leggings (hmm, for our Japan trip in Feb). That cost me $88 :) Ahh....I was quite happy with my purchase! After the purchase, we did not queue straightaway cos I thought of getting the cute Xmas hat clip for Little Arielle. I was hoping that there is Watsons at Vivo and was lucky to really find one! But it was not easy to get there cos we used the wrong escalator!! Anyway, the clip wasn't cheap! Cost me $5 for it! At the same time, I got Little Arielle's antiseptic for her wound and got her bread from BreadTalk. So after all the run about, we were finally in the queue. Quickly helped Little Arielle put on the legging and it wasn't easy cos I was afraid of hurting her wound. Finally was done with that! I'm just so tired! Luckily Little Arielle wasn't grouchy even though it's her nap time. Gave her bread to eat and she was pretty cooperative.
*Enjoying her bread with an angry face :)* - Uploaded on 11 Dec 2010
We stood in the queue for 1hr 45 mins! Oh my....I cannot believe myself! The shoot took only about 10 mins and waited for the pic to be developed for another 10 minutes!
*The pic I took with iPhone = Poor lighting!* - Uploaded on 11 Dec 2010
*The one taken by the pro!* - Uploaded on 11 Dec 2010
In any case, I just felt that my little princess is the prettiest and please vote for her too if you feel it that way :)
To do so, you just need to login to your FB account,
Search for Gap Singapore
Click to Like Gap Singapore
Select the tab on Casting Call
Click on Start Now and choose Singapore
Just need to look for Arielle Tan and click on VOTE.
To all who have voted for Little Arielle, we would like to thank you for your votes :) Please help to pass the word around! Last date to vote is 7 Jan 2011!! *She does look sweet :P* - Uploaded on 11 Dec 2010
I Just Knew It!
Felt totally xianz when I realised that it was indeed stuck to her skin!! Oh man....this is gonna be difficult :( Jiat lard lah! Really don't know how to have it removed!!

Friday, December 10, 2010
Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall!
Placed Little Arielle on the seat, lifted up her dress and realised that her fall was really bad!! This is the first time in 4 years of her life that she fell and bled. Arrgghh :( She was crying loudly too but stopped immediately when she was offered some sweets. Hmm, so does it mean that it is not so painful after all?

The staff was concerned that Little Arielle would brush against her wound and kinda of insisted to place a gauge over the knee which was more serious. I wasn't really in favour as I remembered my previous experience where the gauge stuck to my skin and it was so difficult to get it out. *Gauge on the bloody wound* - Uploaded on 11 Dec 2010
After the medication was in place, I brought Little Arielle for her class. I mean?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Yeah!! We Won :)

Monday, December 6, 2010
Stuck @ L
She has been working on the alphabets but somehow, she is always stuck at Letter L and cannot proceed further. Hmm is it really so difficult to remember? I think when it comes to time tables, she will faintz....
Friday, December 3, 2010
eXplorerkid Happy Family Contest
Hmm....have chosen this pic and indicated - Squeezed with Happiness! Hee....wonder if we stand a chance :)