Presenting....The Little Princess

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Daddy's Girl!

There was no struggle this morning when mama carried Little Arielle up to her house. Well, not because she can accept the fact that we are going to work but rather because she is still sound asleep! Hopefully she would be sleeping for the next few mornings so that I won't feel so guilty for not bringing her along!

Work is tiring but it's always a happy moment to see Little Arielle running happily to the door when we reached my mama's place. It was more shiok to hear her call us hee hee. But as usual, daddy is her first priority. So she would definitely call daddy first. If she is in a good mood, she would call mi-mi (short form for mummy), well that's me.

Updates from Mama:

1. Said that Little Arielle suddenly woke up and was searching frantically for her daddy. She cried when she din see him beside her!

2. She has grown more teeth. 2 more big ones are coming out on the lower gum.

3. She will automatic know that it's time to pay a visit to NTUC because that has been her daily routine. But mama already went to NTUC today without her cos my youngest brother was looking after her while she sleeps. After she woke up, my mama brought her to the shower and she told her that she wants to "walk walk". But my mama said that she has already went to NTUC, no more "walk walk". Little Arielle became angry. Oh no would she have "hua ka"? It means flower leg in hokkien/teochew. Which basically means that they always wanna go out and walk walk, cannot sit still at home!

She can follow gong2's action to put her finger on her lips and said "Shhh" This little one can really make you angry and make you feel like laughing!

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