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Monday, September 22, 2008

Mini Accomplishments

by me....Finally, I found the Barney birthday cake for Little Arielle. In life hor, one cannot 钻牛角尖, go one big round and in the end, the item is just within reach! Aiyah, blame it on the silly Prima Deli website! While I was surfing net yesterday, one of the sites indicated some outdated information! 害me waste so much time to go and email eCreative and gotta answer so many questions from them! So important lesson to learn is, website must always maintain the most up to date information for customers!

Anyway, forget it! This is the cake that Little Arielle has chosen! Gave her the list of cakes and this is the one that she picked!

*Barney & Friends cake* - Uploaded on 22 Sep 2008

Will be placing the order tomorrow. Online or phone order by UOB card gets 15% discount!

The second accomplishment is that I finally made the first step to check the school for Little Arielle. I know that if I dun do anything, XP is not gonna do any either cos he is not really ready for the idea of Little Arielle attending school. But, since he did mention about it the other time, I thought of just doing some checks for reference purpose. Got some guide from my colleauge, Irene who asked me to check out this school called Cherie Hearts. Have heard of their name before but not really sure how established they are. She gave me their website and I went to take a look.

Well, from the looks of it, it does seems good. They have got a lot of awards and best of all, they have 3 branches in Tampines. That would make things easy for mama to pick Little Arielle up from school. For a start, I guessed I would let Little Arielle join their playgroup first and see how things go.

Have sent them an email with the following enquiry:

a. What is the charges for playgroup?

b. How long is the session?

c. What is the student to teacher ratio?

d. What can I expect in a playgroup? As in, they just play and mingle around or there is some teachings involved?

e. Is the place air-conditioned?

f. Would we have a tour before we decide to register?

g. What time does the playgroup starts?

Hmm, not bad hor, the questions I asked are very professional right hahaha! Must ask them such thing so that they know that I am not those sua-ku type who dun noe anything and they can try to smoke me! Dun play play with Mummy Cyn man! Anyway, they were pretty probe with their reply. I sent a request form online and they replied me within 10 minutes. Well, either they are very efficient, else it must be because they are too engz! They gave me a background of the school and mentioned that someone will call me to furnish me details tomorrow. I shall wait for their call then!

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