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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scary Dream!

This is something that has been weighing on my mind. As such, it became a dream to scare me! Hmm, what do I mean leh? I actually dreamt that it's Little Arielle's birthday today and yet I have done nothing. In the end had to rush to buy a cake for her that is not Barney. Aiyo so sad leh!

This means I better start doing something since her birthday is 2 weeks away leh! Still don't do something, it means that the dream is gonna come true!

So after I woke up, the first thing I surfed on the net is information on Barney birthday cake. After some thoughts, I decided not to get a 3D one for her cos it is not very realistic to get such a big cake with only a few of us eating.

So went reading some forum whereby mummies were discussing about cakes for their kids' birthday. A few of them suggested eCreative. They mentioned that you can give them the Barney picture and they will base on that to do up the cake for you! Hmm, then how come the other time when I emailed them, they simply end it off by saying that they dun do Barney designs. Din even suggest that I can furnish the pic and they base on that to do. Probably it's wrong for them to do such suggestions and the idea must come from customers? I guessed I have to email them and ask if this is possible. Good luck to me then!

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