Presenting....The Little Princess

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Slipped of My Mind

It was until I heard the DJ annoucing the date over the radio that I realised that Little Arielle is exactly 19 months today!

Time really flies and she is getting smarter and cuter as the days go by. Hmm, what a thick-skinned mummy praising her girl like that! But, nevermind, as long as I am happy with the statement! But it's really true hee hee!

But also because she is smarter and cuter, it makes me want to spend more time with her than at work! I just felt very attached to her eversince our Japan and Malaysia trip! Somehow or rather, the urge to be a SAHM just gets stronger and stronger! Even though so, I must not be reckless! There are committments attached and I cannot just leave all the whatever payments to XP. Would have to perhaps consider part-time or probably find income to sustain while I work from home. This shall be a 2 years project for me! Wish me success in it!

Hopefully, down the road, I can have a blog title that says,"I'm a SAHM!"

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